Monday, June 25, 2007

A possible connection between two car dreams, nine years apart.

The dreams I am about to describe each involved a car on an expressway. The first involved my entire family; the second, only certain members of my family.

The "Everlasting Love" Dream (1991)

I call this the "Everlasting Love" dream because Tony Terry's "Everlasting Love was playing on the radio and had bled into my dream. This dream has been the brunt of family members' jokes for years (LOL).

In the dream, the seven of us--my parents, brothers, sisters, and I--were riding in a car along the expressway, and the song was playing throughout. As the song played, the car bobbed up and down the road's many curves and grooves, dancing in a way as it drove along the expressway.

In one scene, the car had run off the side of the road, and for a moment, it appeared that it might crash into the ditch below. But then the car turned upward and started floating back up onto the expressway. Nothing else happened beyond that; the car just continued driving down the expressway until the dream ended.

The Expressway Accident Dream (2000)

In this dream, it was a full-moon night, and I was riding in a car with my parents and older sister. For some reason, my mother was in the back seat with me, while my sister was up front with my father. I think we were talking about something. Then I noticed that my father was sitting backwards in his seat, but still driving (that part still puzzles me to this day).

Suddenly, the car swerved to the right and ran off the side of the expressway. I can remember that everyone was screaming as the car made its descent towards the ground below us. In the final part of the dream, I remember looking up at the moon through the moonroof and praying: "Please, God, don't let us die..." Then, just before the moment of impact, the images faded to white, and the dream ended.

The connection...

I looked back on both of these dreams and thought hard about the corresponding elements.

I believe that these dreams were one and the same, and that the elements in the first dream were toned down a bit so as not to scare me, since I was 9 at the time and might have been very traumatized by an accident involving my family (I believe that the dream about K-19 was easier to stomach, as terrifying as it was, because my family wasn't fully involved). These dreams were both prophetic and informative, and were fortelling what was in store for my family and me--and neither message had anything to do with an actual car accident.

The first dream, I believe, was simply telling me that my family and I would experience many "twists and turns" on the "road" of our lives, but that we could get through our troubles.

The second dream really got to me, because looking back at this dream, I also reviewed some recent family situations in waking life, and there were a couple of major situations which stuck out to me--the first involving my parents, the second involving my older sister. I put the pieces together and realized that this dream was fortelling hard times for me and these specific members of my family.

I'm still not sure of exactly what situation the dream was fortelling in regards to me. I've had some crazy things occur in the past five years, but I don't know if any ot that would really qualify. Or maybe it would. Only God knows.

I thought that it was kind of cool to look back at these two dreams. I find it interesting how two separate dreams nine years apart could be connected in such a way and have such profound significance in my life and my family's lives.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Dream About K-19 (1991)

This was perhaps the earliest violent dream that I can remember. It's amazing that I can still remember it so well after all these years.

What I remember was that I was in school, and all of the students and teachers were called outside. Everyone left class and went out to the front of the school.

I recall that we saw a blackened sky once we came outside, and all around us were huge tanks and several soldiers dressed in fatigues. For some reason, these people called themselves K-19.

I don't remember much from when the teachers and students first came outside, but it wasn't long before the soldiers began gathering people up to be killed.

Throughout the dream, I watched as adults and children were being brutally and methodically executed. I don't remember the exact ways in which they died, but I recall seeing blood and gore everywhere I looked. The dream ended before K-19 could claim my life.

I remember writing about this in my diary sometime after I had the dream, and that I made up macabre details about how my teacher and classmates were sliced, diced, shot, and beheaded, before I myself was blown up with an explosive hot dog (I remember I got the hot dog thing from the movie Leonard, Part 6--that movie with Bill Cosby). I didn't remember any major details involving the actual death scenes, nor did I try too; I just knew the dream scared me, and I guess I figured at the time that I could deal with my emotions about the dream by dramatizing it and blowing it out of proportion.

I still don't remember any major details from this dream (it has been 16 years), and my first interpretation of this dream seemed kind of outlandish.

My main concern, however, is not the dream's elements. What perplexes me is the fact that I would have such a violent dream at 9 years of age. Like other 9-year-olds at the time, I had no doubt seen my share of movies I shouldn't have seen, especially horror movies. But my dreams were usually the kind of lighthearted dreams one would expect a child to have and didn't involve violence. My dream about K-19 would be more suited for me today, at 25. I wonder what could have been going on then that could have triggered a dream of this nature.

I now want to revisit this dream. I am hoping that something can come about the next time around.

The "Frozen" Dream (1998)

This was a dream I had back in high school. I call it the "Frozen" dream because throughout the dream, Madonna's "Frozen" was playing in the background.

I remember that the dream was brief and took place in the 1930s or 1940s. It involved the same guy whom I had taken extreme interest in at the time--the same one who was killed in the "mansion" dream the following year.

I remember that I was standing in the entryway of what appeared to be a den or living room watching other people in the room. My view of most of them was blurred, because my main focus was on my crush, who was in the middle of the room, dancing with a little girl who was about a year old. As I watched them dancing, I had a feeling that the little girl may have been my daughter with this guy.

To this day, I still have no idea what this dream could mean. And my dream journals from high school, if I had still had them with me, would have been of no help; until four years ago, I had never actually attempted to interpret my dreams and just wrote them down. I once had a theory about what the meaning might have been, but I cannot remember it off the top of my head.

I'll think about it again when I have the chance. I know that whatever it is, it had to do with high school and the unfortunate relationship between this guy and me. And once I do figure it out, perhaps it could bring me closure in my present life.

Monday, June 11, 2007

More dreams about the Maryland town.

Sometime in May, having convinced myself that I was nuts, I decided to do a personal analysis on myself concerning Angelo and his hometown in Maryland. I typed up seven and a half pages of this, blaming my situation and all the things that stemmed from it (including Angelo) on a number of things ranging from your garden-variety lonliness to a possible psychotic depression. It actually saddened me to conjure up this analysis, but I felt it was for the best, as I was seeing that my fascination with this place in Maryland, so far, wasn't leading me anywhere.

In the nights that followed, something strange occurred: I had three separate dreams which, once interpreted, all appeared to have something to do with the town in Maryland.

The first dream was creepy. It involved me trying to restrain this live (as in living and moving of its own accord) metal spring which was gathering lint and forming this freakish-looking black ball. At first, the ball kept bouncing onto my shoulder every time I flung it on the floor. Throughout the dream, I tried to keep it from moving. The dream ended with the ball of lint chasing me down a hallway.

The second dream was brief--like a minute or so long--and rather mundane. I kept using Febreze to get rid of an odd, lingering odor that was in the kitchen.

The third dream was the most active, it seems to me. I was sitting at the front of a log-cabin classroom, where it appeared that everyone was dressed as if it were the turn of the 20th century. To my far left was a girl who, for the most part, was out of my view. Other than me and the mystery girl, there were only two other people in the classroom: a boy who appeared to be about 12 years old and, of course, the teacher. According to the dialogue of the dream, the teacher and the boy had been having an affair, which seemed to have come to a halt. The two were arguing in front of the blackboard. The boy said he wanted to continue with the affair; the teacher kept making it clear that it was over between them. After, I'd say, about five to ten minutes arguing back and forth, the teacher demanded that the boy take an ESL (English as a Second Language) class (although both the teacher and the boy were speaking crystal-clear English). On the blackboard was a date that I couldn't see because it was blurred; it appeared to be a date sometime in November and December, in a year between 2007 and 2009.

The first two dreams were ways of letting me know that my situation with the town in Maryland isn't near over, that it is very much a part of my life, and that, try as I might, I won't be able to make it go away, and it's always going to be there, haunting me for years to come. The third dream--all except the date--was telling me that instead of trying to discredit everything, I should perhaps try to turn it into a story--something others can understand and won't be so quick to judge because or unusual quirks (thus the ESL class; I need to "translate it into English").

What does the unknown date mean, exactly? There's no way of knowing. Right now, only God and time can be the judges of that. But I know that there's a prophetic message behind it.

The mystery surrounding Angelo and the town in Maryland is bound to continue for quite some time, and there is still much to find out about this. It's obvious that letting it all go isn't the answer. So then, what is? Hopefully, it will all unfold soon.