Saturday, February 04, 2017

The Moola Mantra...featuring my family.

This dream was last night, before I got up for work.

As the above title suggests, it did, indeed, feature my family and I singing the Moola Mantra, also known as the Oneness Mantra.

The video in the following link plays the same version that was in my dream. It also explains what the Mantra means, if you're interested:

Anyway, back to this dream: We weren't alone in our singing. There was a large group of people along with us, and together, we made a choir. We would spend time rehearsing the chant, both with just family members alone and with other people.

It might have been wonderful if it hadn't been for my emotional state. In waking life, I really like this mantra a lot, but in the dream, I felt very awkward singing it along with my loved ones, embarrassed even. What made me nervous was just hearing them sing it. I wasn't sure why, but I felt like I couldn't fully enjoy the experience.

The dream ended before I got to see the fruits of our musical labor.

When I woke up, I realized that the Moola Mantra (which I do have on my Napster playlist, in this version and the one by Deva Premal, which I love) was bleeding into my dreams, as I had dozed off while leaving my music on. In return, however, what I got was rather interesting.

I suppose I have to find time to think about what it means--right now, I don't have a clue. It's just something weird to ponder over right now.

Considering what the mantra is and what it means, it may be some kind of message about "becoming one," but this has yet to be seen.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Dreams to awaken the social conscience?

The dreams I'm discussing today were more than 20 years apart, the later of these being very recent. In the wake of recent political events and in anticipation of those yet to come, I felt I should set aside room here to share.

10 and Pregnant...and Dying

Wherever one may stand on the issue of reproductive rights, I think anyone would agree that this dream was disturbing.

I saw the dream as a news report. The story followed a 10-year-old who was pregnant as a result of rape. What was unique--and especially heartbreaking--was that she was living in hospice. Being far along in a high-risk pregnancy, she would have required an emergency procedure--in her case, a late-term abortion--to save her life. Sadly, because such a procedure was banned in Kentucky, the girl was forced to receive palliative care and live in a special hospice set aside for pregnant persons* who likely wouldn't survive childbirth.

I remember seeing this poor girl, pale and thin aside from her belly. She fully understood what was going to happen and was crying, saying she didn't want to die.

Recently, a bill passed in Kentucky which bans abortion after 20 weeks, and a permanent ban is making its way through Congress as I type this. The Kentucky bill immediately brought this dream. I now worry that a prenatal hospice housing young women and girls, who would otherwise have their entire lives ahead of them, will become a tragic reality. Luckily, there are many pushing back against these laws, and being pro-choice myself, I hope the fight continues.

*I am also an advocate of the transgender community. As such, I have used the appropriate language in my post.

K-19 Redux

Nearly 10 years ago, I posted about a very violent dream I had when I was 9. In summary, it was about a group of rogue militants called K-19 who stormed my school and slaughtered everyone who was present.

This dream came to my mind again after I watched Doreen Virtue's card reading for 2017. I don't recall the deck it was from, but the first card she drew was one called "Truth." As she drew this card, she said that she could see "American tanks on American soil," and the enforcing of martial law. When I thought back to the K-19 dream, an alarm went off in my head. Is it possible that I foresaw something that may happen? Could things get bad enough to where there could really be tanks invading schools and workspaces, targeting and executing unsuspecting people?...

Because of his rhetoric during his campaign and even long after his election, a lot of people have drawn comparisons between Donald Trump's vision for America and Nazi Germany. Anyone who's learned about World War II has heard about the atrocities at the hands of the Nazis, particularly against Jews. There were no doubt tanks on the ground then, too, targeting citizens at random. Even if the US doesn't reach that same point, chances are we may come frighteningly close.

Part of me still has hope. Too many Americans have learned from the past and are determined not to go back. I hope and pray we can keep fighting the good fight so that nightmares like the aforementioned don't become reality.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The State Puts Ariana Grande on the 27s List* (2016)

I start my comeback with yet another dream about Ariana Grande (remember her?) being executed. This time it was a legal execution--lethal injection, to be specific.

The dream was odd in nature and took place in the future. What I remember was that Ariana was condemned for something she didn't mean to do.

I won't go into detail about much of the dream, as it was fragmented and not really worth belaboring. The execution was the only part that seemed to make sense--it was as if some important message was penetrating through the nonsensical elements.

I remember, of course, seeing Ariana strapped to the gurney in the death chamber. Gary Jules's cover of "Mad World" was playing throughout the scene. I couldn't clearly see the spectators, but I sensed that at least her loved ones were present. I don't remember what Ariana's last words were, if any, but eventually, the execution was carried out, with Ariana flatlining near the end of "Mad World."

After her death, I remember seeing an article in the newspaper, which stated that Ariana was 27. Her execution played out like a scene from a movie, and at the beginning of it, I remember seeing a date marquee in the middle of the opening "frame," a date sometime in March...I think March 18. Ariana was 23 when I had the dream last year, and her birthday is June 26, which would set the execution in early 2021.

Remembering the dream two years back about her beheading, I later realized it was a dream foretelling something about her relationship with Big Sean, as confirmed by entertainment news articles--three months after I had that dream, Ariana and Big Sean broke up. It makes me wonder what's up with this one. Of course, 2021 is still four years away, meaning anything can happen. If this dream had any prophetic undertones like the one before it, then I can only hope that Ariana plays it safe in all she does and treads lightly. An execution is not a positive archetype, to be sure. She's quite talented, and I wouldn't want to see her life or career fall in any tragic fashion.

*For those who don't know, the 27s is a list of musicians who all died at age 27, many of them from drug overdoses.

Welcome to 2017.

I know--it's been almost two years, and I admit that there hasn't been a lot of commitment on my end. I apologize and make no excuses. I actually want to try to get something up on this blog.

Bear with me.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Dream beheading redux.

It's been a month since my last dream entry about the beheading of Ariana Grande.

If you've taken a look at my older posts, such macabre dreams aren't new--I recalled before that I was only nine when I dreamt of a rogue militant group called K-19--and they're rather infrequent. They're intriguing nonetheless, for the obvious reasons. So I thought I'd bring up a dream I had three years ago, which was more random and intense than the Ariana Grande dream.

The dream played a bit like a prime-time drama, taking place on U of L's campus, on a cloudy winter day. I was the observer in this dream as well. I watched as a young female student, about in her late teens or early twenties, walking across the parking lot near the bank and the Playhouse Theater. I wasn't sure where she was going, but it seemed she was headed for the bookstore.

Suddenly, she looked up and saw an unidentifiable figure in front of her, and had a look of fear on her face. After that the dream skipped scenes, and the next thing I saw was the girl's headless body flailing around and convulsing as it moved toward the bookstore, where it banged against the window and fell back on the ground to its death. I saw the gruesome action from inside the bookstore, where others noticed the flailing body and panicked.

I remember posting this on DreamMoods, and got quite a bit of interesting feedback. I wrote that the dream had reminded me of a Wikipedia article about three Indonesian girls who were ambushed and beheaded on the way to school back in 2005, which I mentioned in the DreamMoods post. (Here's an article from BBC News.)

I recall that one person responded to me with some pretty good insight:

"You mention reading a similar story on online...It is very possible the story shook you at an emotional level that you were not aware of while awake and the dream was expressing the true depth of horror you did not entirely experience while awake. I find that through out the day, there are moments that push little emotional triggers, sometimes they are fleeting moments like whispers and thoughts that go in one ear and out the other, and then they decompress at night. Usually for me the last dream I have before I wake up is directly relevent to an emotional trigger of the previous day. 

"symbolicly[sic], there are two things in common - 1) the school setting 2) the decapitation. It is an image of denied education, of intellectual oppression etc... At an emotional level, there is the horror of the violence of the denial itself, but then their is also the grief of joyfully being on the way to school to make something of oneself and then forcibly being denied that right/ yerning[sic]. 

"I think the story you read not only wounded our altruistic sense of humanity, but also feminist instincts."--name of poster withheld

It made good sense to me at the time. I have long identified as a feminist, and at the time, I was dissatisfied with what was going on at the government level--particularly the Republican party's desire to strip away women's reproductive rights and overturn Roe v. Wade. I was worried that because so many people hated President Obama (and still hate him), a president might be elected that year who would allow those dangerous restrictions to become the law of the land.

I was also worried about the novel I was writing. It embraces an issue that is very important to me, as it is to many self-identifying feminists, and I was concerned about how I could best convey my message to a reading audience. The events in Washington fueled my desire to keep writing my story. Still, the story was fragmented (as first drafts actually should be), and being an aspiring author, I let the process confuse me. Add that to my obligations regarding school, work, and life in general.

So I guess you could say I was taking "sudden hits from all directions"--the nature of an ambush.

Three years later, I still haven't finished my first draft, as life eventually got in the way. But I haven't given up. Women's rights are still on the line more than ever, as Republicans have now taken both the House and the Senate. It's more important than ever that I finish my story.

I'm starting to think that the Ariana Grande and the young woman in the 2012 dream may be one and the same in the archetypal sense--they may both represent that young, fresh new aspect of myself that is being destroyed in each of these dreams, first by multiple responsibilities and worries at once, and then by my own personal confidence issues.

I have a feeling that this year will be a year of significant change and introspection. I believe that in spite of their dark nature, these dreams are pointing me in a direction toward something amazing, and I have a lot of work to do. Just writing this is inspiring me to get up and make something happen.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Reviving the dream blog...with the help of Ariana Grande.

I know--seems this blog is coming out of nowhere, but it's been here a while...

Life has gotten in the way over the years, and I've eventually lost interest in writing down my dreams. In an effort to renew my quest to delve deeper into myself, I have decided to revive my dream blog as well, as some of my dreams have begun to catch my attention again. One in particular, as of late...

The Execution of Ariana Grande

Yes, you read it right...

This dream was the other day. I dreamt that Ariana had been taken hostage by extremists* and beheaded on video. Instead of sawing through her neck--as has been done to others in actual waking-life execution videos--the headsman severed it with one clean swing of the blade. To make things more disturbing, Ariana was sobbing the whole time, and began screaming when her time came.

At some point in the dream her boyfriend saw it, but I couldn't catch his definite reaction.

I woke up kind of out of it, but in a bit of deep thought, as I had just had a fucked-up dream about a 20-something pop star I otherwise am not too crazy about.

This dream actually bothers me in part because lately, I've been having this feeling about Ariana Grande. Maybe it's because she's so young and her career had begun to skyrocket not too long ago, but I have been having this feeling that something unfortunate might happen, something that could severely impact her progress. The dream only amplified this concern.

Of course, the chances of Ariana being abducted and executed in waking life are slim to none. The beheading is symbolic, usually symbolizing poor judgment on the part of either the dreamer or someone else:

"To dream that you or someone else is being beheaded signifies poor judgment or a bad decision that you have made and regretted. You are not thinking clearly and are refusing to see the truth. You need to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so. The dream also suggests that you have the tendency to act before you think." (from

Here's the catch: This interpretation is likely referring to beheadings as punishment for crimes being committed.

I decided to think of this dream in relation to current events. When a group of extremists behead a hostage on video, they usually hold a major figure or a collective group (e.g., the U.S. President, the western world, "infidels") responsible. The hostage becomes an innocent victim of murder.

In the context of this dream possibly being prophetic, the dream extremists could symbolize an issue perhaps caused by someone in Ariana's circle, and this issue (say, a rumor that, God forbid, Ariana's boyfriend--Big Sean in waking life--turned out to have been married to another woman and dated her behind his wife's back) causes the public to condemn Ariana, potentially costing her everything. Hence the beheading.

More likely, however, this dream is more about me than Ariana, and the beheading is due to my own poor judgment. Ariana, then, symbolizes an aspect of me, a hopeful part of me that's youthful and blossoming. Perhaps the execution is my way of suppressing or "killing" this new aspect.

I'm sure Ariana will be fine, and she'll continue to flourish. But this dream still caught me off guard, and truth be told, anything could still happen. So I guess I'll be keeping an eye out for something to come up.

*I won't specify if they were Islamic extremists. With all the Islamaphobia going on in the States, I do not intend to inadvertently contribute to it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My apologies for my absence.

I know it's been nearly two years since the last post. To be honest, life got in the way--that, and conducting Angel readings, which I've been doing for about a year now--and various things have been sucking a considerable amount of my energy lately. I haven't even been tracking my dreams like before. Not many interesting dreams come my way nowadays, due to lack of adequate sleep.

Hopefully I'll get back to normal soon, and I'll start blogging dreams again. Right now I'm just trying to get my energy back.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An unwelcome golden shower... O_o

This dream was a couple of days ago. And yes, this one is about that same guy who's in my video classes. Like all other dreams I've had about him, this one was non-sexual as well. But the disturbing content of the dream seemed to compensate for the lack of sexual elements.

It started--or at least the part of the dream I remember started--with me coming into the photo lab at school. In my hands were a few items--perhaps books--that my classmate had misplaced somehow, and I had come to the lab to recover these to him. Although he's not a photo major in waking life and wouldn't really be attending class in the photo lab, in the dream he was, and I found him sitting at one of the back tables. I approached him with his items, placed them in a nearby chair, and sat down right in front of him. As I sat down, he leaned a bit toward me and said something that sounded like, "If you want to sleep with me, I have something to tell you first." The next thing I knew, he took out his penis (which, in the dream, was unusually small) and began urinating on me. He squirted urine all over my clothes, my face, in my hair, and some of it got into my mouth.

Shocked and disgusted, I sat there for a minute or two. Then I ran home in tears. Once I got home, I changed out of my clothes and put on a fresh tee shirt. For some reason, I chose not to take a shower before changing, in spite of how unclean I felt.

Throughout much of the dream after that, I kept rehashing on what this man did, saying that he had fooled me and that he wasn't the man he made himself out to be. I also kept vowing revenge against him for what he did.

When I recorded this in my journal at home, I concluded that this dream was a warning dream, telling me to be careful around this man--no, he's not dangerous, but he might be having some issues in his life that he's dealing with, and if I'm not careful in my interactions with him, he might take his frustration out on me.

What led me to my conclusion about this dream came from looking back at some recurring dreams I had been having about toilets. In general, a flushing toilet in a dream represents the purging of useless or unneeded feelings and emotions. If this is the case, then to expel waste from the body in a dream--in this case, urinating--must symbolize the release of said feelings and emotions. I believe that this was what my classmate was trying to do in this dream. And because I, myself, am an emotionally sensitive person, I allowed what he did to consume me, instead of "washing it away" and moving on with my life.

Because the message in this dream concerned me, I decided to stay clear of this man for at least a few days as far as communicating is concerned. I usually greet him each time I see him, but in order to keep from imposing on him, I decided not to. He may indeed be going through a tough time, and the last thing I want to do is make matters worse.