The dreams I'm discussing today were more than 20 years apart, the later of these being very recent. In the wake of recent political events and in anticipation of those yet to come, I felt I should set aside room here to share.
10 and Pregnant...and Dying
Wherever one may stand on the issue of reproductive rights, I think anyone would agree that this dream was disturbing.
I saw the dream as a news report. The story followed a 10-year-old who was pregnant as a result of rape. What was unique--and especially heartbreaking--was that she was living in hospice. Being far along in a high-risk pregnancy, she would have required an emergency procedure--in her case, a late-term abortion--to save her life. Sadly, because such a procedure was banned in Kentucky, the girl was forced to receive palliative care and live in a special hospice set aside for pregnant persons* who likely wouldn't survive childbirth.
I remember seeing this poor girl, pale and thin aside from her belly. She fully understood what was going to happen and was crying, saying she didn't want to die.
Recently, a bill passed in Kentucky which bans abortion after 20 weeks, and a permanent ban is making its way through Congress as I type this. The Kentucky bill immediately brought this dream. I now worry that a prenatal hospice housing young women and girls, who would otherwise have their entire lives ahead of them, will become a tragic reality. Luckily, there are many pushing back against these laws, and being pro-choice myself, I hope the fight continues.
*I am also an advocate of the transgender community. As such, I have used the appropriate language in my post.
K-19 Redux
Nearly 10 years ago, I posted about a very violent dream I had when I was 9. In summary, it was about a group of rogue militants called K-19 who stormed my school and slaughtered everyone who was present.
This dream came to my mind again after I watched Doreen Virtue's card reading for 2017. I don't recall the deck it was from, but the first card she drew was one called "Truth." As she drew this card, she said that she could see "American tanks on American soil," and the enforcing of martial law. When I thought back to the K-19 dream, an alarm went off in my head. Is it possible that I foresaw something that may happen? Could things get bad enough to where there could really be tanks invading schools and workspaces, targeting and executing unsuspecting people?...
Because of his rhetoric during his campaign and even long after his election, a lot of people have drawn comparisons between Donald Trump's vision for America and Nazi Germany. Anyone who's learned about World War II has heard about the atrocities at the hands of the Nazis, particularly against Jews. There were no doubt tanks on the ground then, too, targeting citizens at random. Even if the US doesn't reach that same point, chances are we may come frighteningly close.
Part of me still has hope. Too many Americans have learned from the past and are determined not to go back. I hope and pray we can keep fighting the good fight so that nightmares like the aforementioned don't become reality.
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