I know--seems this blog is coming out of nowhere, but it's been here a while...
Life has gotten in the way over the years, and I've eventually lost interest in writing down my dreams. In an effort to renew my quest to delve deeper into myself, I have decided to revive my dream blog as well, as some of my dreams have begun to catch my attention again. One in particular, as of late...
The Execution of Ariana Grande
Yes, you read it right...
This dream was the other day. I dreamt that Ariana had been taken hostage by extremists* and beheaded on video. Instead of sawing through her neck--as has been done to others in actual waking-life execution videos--the headsman severed it with one clean swing of the blade. To make things more disturbing, Ariana was sobbing the whole time, and began screaming when her time came.
At some point in the dream her boyfriend saw it, but I couldn't catch his definite reaction.
I woke up kind of out of it, but in a bit of deep thought, as I had just had a fucked-up dream about a 20-something pop star I otherwise am not too crazy about.
This dream actually bothers me in part because lately, I've been having this feeling about Ariana Grande. Maybe it's because she's so young and her career had begun to skyrocket not too long ago, but I have been having this feeling that something unfortunate might happen, something that could severely impact her progress. The dream only amplified this concern.
Of course, the chances of Ariana being abducted and executed in waking life are slim to none. The beheading is symbolic, usually symbolizing poor judgment on the part of either the dreamer or someone else:
"To dream that you or someone else is being beheaded signifies poor judgment or a bad decision that you have made and regretted. You are not thinking clearly and are refusing to see the truth. You need to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so. The dream also suggests that you have the tendency to act before you think." (from DreamMoods.com)
Here's the catch: This interpretation is likely referring to beheadings as punishment for crimes being committed.
I decided to think of this dream in relation to current events. When a group of extremists behead a hostage on video, they usually hold a major figure or a collective group (e.g., the U.S. President, the western world, "infidels") responsible. The hostage becomes an innocent victim of murder.
In the context of this dream possibly being prophetic, the dream extremists could symbolize an issue perhaps caused by someone in Ariana's circle, and this issue (say, a rumor that, God forbid, Ariana's boyfriend--Big Sean in waking life--turned out to have been married to another woman and dated her behind his wife's back) causes the public to condemn Ariana, potentially costing her everything. Hence the beheading.
More likely, however, this dream is more about me than Ariana, and the beheading is due to my own poor judgment. Ariana, then, symbolizes an aspect of me, a hopeful part of me that's youthful and blossoming. Perhaps the execution is my way of suppressing or "killing" this new aspect.
I'm sure Ariana will be fine, and she'll continue to flourish. But this dream still caught me off guard, and truth be told, anything could still happen. So I guess I'll be keeping an eye out for something to come up.
*I won't specify if they were Islamic extremists. With all the Islamaphobia going on in the States, I do not intend to inadvertently contribute to it.
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