The dreams I am about to describe each involved a car on an expressway. The first involved my entire family; the second, only certain members of my family.
The "Everlasting Love" Dream (1991)
I call this the "Everlasting Love" dream because Tony Terry's "Everlasting Love was playing on the radio and had bled into my dream. This dream has been the brunt of family members' jokes for years (LOL).
In the dream, the seven of us--my parents, brothers, sisters, and I--were riding in a car along the expressway, and the song was playing throughout. As the song played, the car bobbed up and down the road's many curves and grooves, dancing in a way as it drove along the expressway.
In one scene, the car had run off the side of the road, and for a moment, it appeared that it might crash into the ditch below. But then the car turned upward and started floating back up onto the expressway. Nothing else happened beyond that; the car just continued driving down the expressway until the dream ended.
The Expressway Accident Dream (2000)
In this dream, it was a full-moon night, and I was riding in a car with my parents and older sister. For some reason, my mother was in the back seat with me, while my sister was up front with my father. I think we were talking about something. Then I noticed that my father was sitting backwards in his seat, but still driving (that part still puzzles me to this day).
Suddenly, the car swerved to the right and ran off the side of the expressway. I can remember that everyone was screaming as the car made its descent towards the ground below us. In the final part of the dream, I remember looking up at the moon through the moonroof and praying: "Please, God, don't let us die..." Then, just before the moment of impact, the images faded to white, and the dream ended.
The connection...
I looked back on both of these dreams and thought hard about the corresponding elements.
I believe that these dreams were one and the same, and that the elements in the first dream were toned down a bit so as not to scare me, since I was 9 at the time and might have been very traumatized by an accident involving my family (I believe that the dream about K-19 was easier to stomach, as terrifying as it was, because my family wasn't fully involved). These dreams were both prophetic and informative, and were fortelling what was in store for my family and me--and neither message had anything to do with an actual car accident.
The first dream, I believe, was simply telling me that my family and I would experience many "twists and turns" on the "road" of our lives, but that we could get through our troubles.
The second dream really got to me, because looking back at this dream, I also reviewed some recent family situations in waking life, and there were a couple of major situations which stuck out to me--the first involving my parents, the second involving my older sister. I put the pieces together and realized that this dream was fortelling hard times for me and these specific members of my family.
I'm still not sure of exactly what situation the dream was fortelling in regards to me. I've had some crazy things occur in the past five years, but I don't know if any ot that would really qualify. Or maybe it would. Only God knows.
I thought that it was kind of cool to look back at these two dreams. I find it interesting how two separate dreams nine years apart could be connected in such a way and have such profound significance in my life and my family's lives.
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