It was disturbing, but funny nonetheless.
What happened to bring this dream on was that the guy I had talked about at the end of the last entry--the 27-year-old I'd been flirting with--had told me on April 29 (yes, I know, pathetic--I remember the exact date) that he was already seeing someone. "You're awesome," he said, "but I can't be with you." Of course, I took this kind of hard, and I cried off and on for about a week, but I kept myself together whenever I was around him; eventually, I got past my hurt feelings, and I continued to joke around with him. So far, everything's cool. He's thousands of miles away in Europe right now, and I kind of miss him, but hope he's having a good time. ("I'll stalk you when you get back," I told him the last day of class. LOL.)
Surprisingly, despite the disappointment on April 29, I still have yet to have a dream in which this man is the main subject. But because of the conversation between us that day, I had a dream about an acquaintance of mine from work--my classmate was in it, though--about two or three days later.
I remember that for much of the dream, I was in this strange room, and I sensed that it might have been my classmate's room. I think I was lying in bed, and my classmate was sitting in a chair at the foot of the bed, facing the bed.
Then the dream flashed forward to a scene in which I approached my work acquaintance somewhere outside and told him, "You know, since I can't do it with [name withheld], I'll have to do it with you." The next thing I knew, the dream had flashed forward to yet another scene in which my acquaintance and I were in my classmate's room, in bed together, naked. It appeared as if we were having sex, but I really wasn't sure; all I remember was that he was on top of me, and that he was kissing my neck. My classmate was no longer in the room.
(Now, what you should know about this guy is that he's a year younger than me and that prior to the dream, I was never attracted to him like that. But now I'm not so sure... O_o)
I don't remember what happened in the rest of the dream, but I know that it went on for a bit, and when I woke up, I was like, "What the hell?!".
I told my best friend first, because I know that she's been really good friends with this guy for a long time. Then I told the star of the dream himself, my work acquaintance, who thought it was hilarious (and now I mess with him about it every chance I get), as did my classmate when I told him. (I also told him that it was his fault.)
I don't really have much to say about the interpretation of this dream, except that this was obviously a remedy dream to get my mind off of feeling down about my classmate. It was a bit disturbing and quite amusing, but much needed.