Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Photograph Dream

This dream was this past Saturday, and what I'm about to describe is actually a short fragment.

In this fragment, I kept seeing two photos of myself with a man whom I've never met in waking life, but whom has repeatedly shown up in my dreams. He was short--about 5'2"--with a shaved head and a slight beard, and he had a light complexion. In the dream, we were dating, and the photos were taken at some type of semi-formal party.

The first photo was of us kissing. My date was leaning away from the camera, to where I couldn't see his face. But I could still tell who he was without seeing his face.

I did see his face in the second photo, which was of the two of us smiling at the camera.

The two photos appeared over and over again in a steady loop; then the dream ended.

I have no definite idea what to make of this. I find rather strange that this same man would show up in so many of my dreams, although I am always happy to welcome him whenever he shows up.

When I see him, we are usually dating or married, and sometimes we have a child--a daughter.

I'm thinking that this man likely represents some aspect of myself that I either need to recognize or am in the process of recognizing. This would be well illustrated in the relationship that I have with him in my dreams. Our daughter, then, might represent the new ideas or gifts or potential that may be or may have been derived from such a realization of self.

Of course, I could also say that these dreams are semi-prophetic, fortelling of someone or something significant coming into my life and enhancing it, and that the child who sometimes shows in these dreams might, indeed, be an actual child. And I'll admit--part of me wants to believe that. I am a big believer in such phenomena. But who would believe me? And what evidence is there to back it up, if something is to actually happen?...

And the photos in the above dream? Well, I don't quite have any ideas on what these could mean. A few fellow members on DreamMoods and the DM Underground have told me that photos in a dream usually mean that a moment is being preserved, or that there is something that needs the attention of the dreamer. It can also mean that things are not as they appear, or that the dreamer may be holding on to false hope.

Certainly, I don't believe anything is being preserved, since there is nothing to preserve. And I don't see how this would necessarily need my attention.

I think there's possibility that this may be a false image, but it's a false image of me. If this man really is just an aspect of who I am, then perhaps this picture represents a false idea I might have given myself or others that all is well, that I have discovered this part of myself, when I actually haven't.

In the case of false hope, perhaps I may be holding on to the idea that this man might be real and that he might enter my life and change my life, or that something extraordinary might happen. This is not to say that it's impossible for something big to happen in my life. But one cannot be sure where his/her life will take him/her. Everyone has some amount of ambition, and we all think big, to some degree; we all wonder what purpose we have in life, and often, we hope for something larger than life. And some people don't seem to go any further than their own backyards, figuratively speaking. And maybe that's the case with me, too.

I guess time will tell what happens for sure. But this dream definitely has meaning, and it's worth looking into.